KSA: Alamin ang mga pagluluwag sa health preacautions umpisa Oktubre 17, 2021

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Inanunsiyo ng Ministry of Interior ng Kaharian ng Saudi Arabia na magkakaroon ng pagluluwag sa mga health precautions sa buong kaharian simula  Oktubre 17, 2021.  Nasa baba ang ating English translation ng nasabing anunsiyo.

(Note: Translated from Arabic Announement of KSA’s Ministry of Interior)

Today, Friday, the Saudi Ministry of Interior announced that, based on what was submitted by the competent health authorities, and in view of the progress in immunizing the community and the reduction in the number of cases, the approval was issued to ease health precautions starting from Sunday, October 17, 2021, as follows:

First: It is not obligatory to wear a mask in open places – with the exception of the excluded places – while continuing to be obligated to wear it in closed places.

Second: The precautionary measures for those receiving two doses of the (Covid-19) vaccine are eased as follows:

1- Allowing the full capacity of the Grand Mosque to be used, while obligating workers and visitors to wear a mask at all times in all the corridors of the mosque, and continuing to use the “Eatmarna” or “Tawakkalna” application. To take the dates of Umrah and prayer to control the numbers present at the same time.

2- Allowing the full capacity of the Prophet’s Mosque to be used, with obligating workers and visitors to wear a mask at all times in all the corridors of the mosque, and using the “Eatmarna” or “Tawakkalna” application to take prayer times and visit the “Rawdah Al-Mutahara” to control the numbers present at the same time.

3- Canceling social distancing and allowing the use of the full capacity in gatherings, public places, means of transportation, restaurants, cinemas, and the like.

4- Allowing the establishment and attendance of events in wedding halls and others without restricting the number, with the importance of emphasizing the application of precautionary measures due to the seriousness of the behaviors associated with it.

Third: Immunization with two doses is required to enter all the sites and activities referred to in the Second clause above, this excludes those who are exempted as shown in the “Tawakkalna” application.  With everyone’s commitment to all applicable precautionary measures, including wearing a mask.

Fourth: Social Distancing and wearing masks will continue to be applied in locations where health status verification for the wearer is not implemented through the Tawakkalna application.

Fifth: The Public Health Authority “Weqaya” prepares preventive measures that must be adhered to for all activities mentioned in the “Second” item.

Sixth: Emphasis on the public and private sector and the like; By checking the status of immunization in the “Tawakkalna” application for all those who wish to enter the facility, and following up on compliance with the precautionary measures and preventive measures taken by the concerned authorities to confront the pandemic, including wearing a mask.

Seventh: Emphasis on the relevant authorities – each within its jurisdiction – to implement the penalties prescribed for violators of the precautionary measures and preventive measures taken by the concerned authorities to confront the pandemic.

Eighth: The Ministry of Health continues to monitor on the number of cases of infection with (Covid-19), especially intensive care, and raises what is necessary, in the event of a need to tighten precautionary measures at the level of cities, governorates or regions.

The source stressed that these decisions are subject to periodic review in accordance with local and international developments.

Source: https://twitter.com/MOISaudiArabia/status/1448997995475881988

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