HRSD KSA: 6 working hours for the private sector during Ramadhan

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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, March 26, 2022 – The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development announced the working hours of the private sector during the holy month of Ramadan.

This came in a tweet published by the ministry through its official account on “Twitter”:

“The working hours in the month of Ramadan are 6 hours.”, and added: “May God accept fasting, doing and good deeds from everyone.”

Patnubay Notes: It is not written in HRSD’s announcement today but the Article 98 of the Saudi Labor Law states, that the “6 working hours during Ramadhan” is a privilege for Muslims only. Thus, It’s best to ask your sponsor.

Article 98 – A worker may not actually work for more than eight hours a day if the employer uses the daily work criterion, or more than forty-eight hours a week if he uses the weekly criterion. During the month of Ramadan, the actual working hours for Muslims shall be reduced to a maximum of six hours a day or thirty-six hours a week.

Announcment Source:

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